MapKit Mobile SDK

Getting started with MapKit for iOS

The MapKit library for iOS 12 and later is available in the CocoaPods repository. To create an application with a Mappable map:

Step 1. Get the MapKit API key

Before you can use MapKit SDK in your application, you need the API key.

Go to the Mappable Account and register a new account or log in to an existing. The main page will display a key that is suitable for any Mappable service.

Step 2. Add the library to your project

Use CocoaPods to add the library to the project.

  1. Go to the directory with the Xcode project.

  2. Create the Podfile to list dependencies from other libraries:

    pod init
  3. Open the Podfile in a text editor and add a dependency for your target:

    # The lite library only contains the map, traffic layer,
    # LocationManager, and UserLocationLayer and lets you download offline maps (in the paid version only).
    pod 'MappableMobile', '1.0.2-lite'
    # The full library supplements lite version features with car routing,
    # bike routing, pedestrian routing, and public transport routing,
    # search, suggest, geocoding, and panorama display.
    # pod 'MappableMobile', '1.0.2-full'
  4. Run the following command in the project directory:

    pod install

    To open the project file, run the following command:

    open *.xcworkspace

Step 3. Set up the library

To use the library in your application, initialize it with the specified parameters. Open xcworkspace and make the following changes:

  1. Add the View item to the storyboard.

  2. Specify the MMKMapView class for the added View.

  3. Request permission to determine the location and motion activity in the Info.plist file:

    <string>This app displays user location arrow</string>
    <string>It helps identify the mode of transport and the end of the trip more accurately</string>
  4. Connect the MapKit library:

    import MappableMobile
    #import <MappableMobile/MMKMapKitFactory.h>
  5. Set your API key in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of the application delegate and instantiate the MMKMapKit object:

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        MMKMapKit.setApiKey("Your API key")
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
        [MMKMapKit setApiKey: @"Your API key"];
        [MMKMapKit mapKit];


    If you're using a multi-module application and want to initialize MapKit in a method different from application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, call the onStart() method after creating the MapKit object:

  6. Initialize the map in the needed View controller:

    override func viewDidLoad() {
            with: MMKCameraPosition.init(target: MMKPoint(latitude: 55.751574, longitude: 37.573856), zoom: 15, azimuth: 0, tilt: 0),
            animation: MMKAnimation(type: MMKAnimationType.smooth, duration: 5),
            cameraCallback: nil)
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        MMKPoint *target = [MMKPoint pointWithLatitude:55.751574 longitude:37.573856];
        [ moveWithCameraPosition:[MMKCameraPosition cameraPositionWithTarget:target

Step 4. Build and run the application

Build the application. You can run it on:

  • iOS devices.

    Go to Product → Destination and select the device in the Device section.

  • Emulators.

    Go to Product → Destination and select the simulator in the iOS Simulators section.

Run the application. To do this, select Product → Run.

Step 5. Note the following

MapKit stores weak references to the Listener objects passed to it. You need to store references to them in memory yourself:


All Listener objects must be inherited from the NSObject class.

internal class CameraListner: NSObject, MMKMapCameraListener {
    func onCameraPositionChanged(with map: MMKMap?, cameraPosition: MMKCameraPosition, cameraUpdateReason: MMKCameraUpdateReason, finished: Bool) {
        // Do something
let cameraListener = CameraListner()

override func viewDidLoad() {
    super.viewDidLoad()!.addCameraListener(with: cameraListener)
@interface CameraListener: NSObject<MMKMapCameraListener>

@implementation CameraListener
- (void)onCameraPositionChangedWithMap:(nullable MMKMap *)map cameraPosition:(nonnull MMKCameraPosition *)cameraPosition cameraUpdateReason:(MMKCameraUpdateReason)cameraUpdateReason finished:(BOOL)finished {
    // Do something


@property(nonatomic) CameraListener *cameraListener;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.cameraListener = [[CameraListener alloc] init];
    [ addCameraListenerWithCameraListener:self.cameraListener];


  • By default, the methods of any Listener objects and platform interfaces are called on the main thread unless the method documentation specifies otherwise.

  • The minimum supported version for the M1 emulator is iOS 13.

  • The M1 emulator doesn't support OpenGL, so make sure to pass vulkanPreferred: true to the MMKMapView and MMKPanoView constructors. This setting is only required for the emulator build.

  • Recommended linking flag: -ObjC.

Sample application

import UIKit
import Foundation
import MappableMobile

* This example shows a map and moves the camera to the specified point.
* You need to specify the API key in the AppDelegate.swift file by using the MMKMapKit.setApiKey(MAPKIT_API_KEY) method.
* Be sure to request the required permissions.
class MapViewController: UIViewController {
  @IBOutlet weak var mapView: MMKMapView!

  let TARGET_LOCATION = MMKPoint(latitude: 59.945933, longitude: 30.320045)

  override func viewDidLoad() {
           with: MMKCameraPosition(target: TARGET_LOCATION, zoom: 15, azimuth: 0, tilt: 0),
           animation: MMKAnimation(type: MMKAnimationType.smooth, duration: 5),
           cameraCallback: nil)

The complete sample code is available in the GitHub repository.