A marker is a DOM
element with a link to coordinates. You can drag markers and configure their appearance using HTML
const {MMap, MMapDefaultSchemeLayer, MMapDefaultFeaturesLayer, MMapMarker} = mappable;
// Initialize the map
const map = new MMap({...});
// Add a layer with roads and buildings
map.addChild(new MMapDefaultSchemeLayer());
// Add a layer for markers
map.addChild(new MMapDefaultFeaturesLayer());
// Create a DOM element for the marker content.
// You need to do this before initializing the marker!
// The element can be created empty. You can add HTML layout inside after initializing the marker.
const content = document.createElement('section');
// Initialize the marker
const marker = new MMapMarker(
coordinates: [25.229762, 55.289311],
draggable: true
// Add the marker to the map
// Add arbitrary HTML layout inside the marker content
content.innerHTML = '<h1>You can drag this header</h1>';
The base class implementing a marker is MMapMarker.