Request format
  ? apikey=<string>
  & text=<string>
  & lang=<string>
  & [type=<string>]
  & [ll=<number>,<number>]
  & [spn=<number>,<number>]
  & [bbox=<number>,<number>~<number>,<number>]
  & [rspn=<number>]
  & [results=<integer>]
  & [skip=<integer>]
  & [uri=<string>]


Required parameter

The key issued in the Mappable Account.


Key activation takes up to 15 minutes.


Required parameter

Search query text. For example, the name of a geographical feature, address, coordinates, business name, or phone number.

Examples (without URL encoding):

text=The Burj Khalifa

text=25.197091, 55.274259

text=Dubai, 1, Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard

text=+971 4 8888888

text=Dubai Mall


Required parameter

Preferred response language. Set as the locale ID in the format lang=language_region, where

  • language — Two-letter language code. Specified in ISO 639-1 format. Sets the language for displaying the names of found objects.
  • region — Two-letter country code. Specified in ISO 3166-1 format. Determines regional features, such as units of measurement (for indicating the distance to a found object).


Distance is shown in miles.

Example: lang=en_US.


Types of results returned. Possible values:

  • geo — Toponyms.
  • biz — Businesses.
  • omitted — Automatically detect the type based on the query text.

Example: type=biz


The center of the search area. Defined by the longitude and latitude, separated by a comma. The longitude and latitude are indicated in degrees represented as decimals.

It is used together with the spn parameter, which defines the size of the search area.

It is ignored during reverse geocoding.

Example: ll=55.276394,25.195679&spn=0.552069,0.400552


The size of the search area. Defined using the span of the longitude and latitude, separated by a comma. The spans are indicated in degrees represented as decimals.

It is used together with the ll parameter, which defines the center of the search area.

It is ignored during reverse geocoding.

Example: ll=55.276394,25.195679&spn=0.552069,0.400552


An alternative method for setting the search area (see ll+spn).

The borders of the search area are defined as the geographical coordinates of the lower-left and upper-right corners of the area (in the order "longitude, latitutude").


First set longitude and then latitude.

Example: bbox=25.20, 55.26~25.18, 55.28


If bboxand ll+spn are both set at the same time, the bbox parameter takes priority.


Indicates strict restriction of the search area.

If nothing was found in the search area (set using the ll + spn or bbox parameters), the service tries to find results outside of it. You can use the rspn parameter to disable searching outside of the set area. Possible values:

  • 0 — Do not restrict search. Used by default.
  • 1 — Do not search outside of the defined area.


The number of objects to return. By default, 10. The maximum value is 50. If the skip parameter is set, the value must be set explicitly.

Example: results=25.


The number of objects to skip in the response (starting from the first one). The maximum value is 1000. If the skip parameter is set, the results parameter must also be set. The value of the skip parameter must divide evenly by the value of the results parameter.

Example: skip=25.


Additional information about the object. The parameter value is returned in the Geosuggest response. To use it in a request, specify a value instead of text and coordinates.