The pt
parameter is used to display one or more (up to 100) placemarks on the map image:
Each placemark definition contains its coordinates (longitude and latitude) along with information on its appearance (including style, color, size, and content of the placemark). A placemark definition looks like this:
Rules for designating placemarks:
Style |
Color |
Size and content |
pm |
pm2 |
Content: |
flag |
vk |
Size: Content is not specified. |
Vector placemarks |
org |
comma |
round |
The Static API does not currently allow setting the size, color, or content for vector placemarks.
By default (if only the placemark coordinates are passed in the request), a medium white placemark is used: pmwtm
If there is at least one placemark on the map image, the viewport can be set automatically. The Static API selects the values of omitted parameters so that all placemarks are visible on the map. But if the viewport is explicitly set in the request with a pair of parameters (ll and z, or ll and spn) and a placemark's coordinates fall outside the boundaries of the set viewport, this placemark is not shown on the map.
The example below shows a request for an image of a map fragment with placemarks of various styles, colors, and sizes:,41.043451~28.95624,41.043451,78~28.94114,41.043451,pmgrs~28.98124,41.043451,pm2rdm~28.97624,41.043451,pmntl100~28.965573,41.04311,pmors23~28.950111,41.043451,flag~28.969573,41.04311,pm2ywl99~37.608,55.6,round&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY