Navigation layer

In NaviKit SDK, NavigationLayer is an additional map layer that includes the user interface (routes, route points, the user placemark, and balloons) and its display logic. NavigationLayer also provides the camera API that lets you change the map position based on navigation scenarios like tracking the user placemark, route overview, and free mode.


To create a new navigation layer, use the NavigationLayerFactory.createNavigationLayer.

final navigationLayerManager = NavigationLayerFactory.createNavigationLayer(

To create navigation, follow these instructions.

After you create NavigationLayer, a mark with the current user location will be shown on the map if Navigation has location tracking enabled.


To manage UI elements in the navigation layer, use the NavigationStyleProvider interface.

By implementing NavigationStyleProvider, you can set the style of individual UI elements using the required style provider.

The AutomotiveNavigationStyleProvider class is a ready-made implementation of the NavigationStyleProvider interface with UI elements in the signature style of API Maps. It's provided as a separate dependency.

To change some UI element styles, implement a new NavigationStyleProvider using AutomotiveNavigationStyleProvider as a delegate:

final class NavigationStyleProviderImpl extends AutomotiveNavigationStyleProvider {

  final NavigationRouteViewStyleProvider _routeViewStyleProvider = RouteViewStyleProviderImpl(super.routeViewStyleProvider());

  NavigationRouteViewStyleProvider routeViewStyleProvider() => _routeViewStyleProvider;

final class RouteViewStyleProviderImpl implements NavigationRouteViewStyleProvider {

  final NavigationRouteViewStyleProvider _styleProvider;


  void provideRouteStyle(
    DrivingFlags flags,
    bool isSelected,
    bool isNightMode,
    NavigationRouteStyle routeStyle
  ) {
    _styleProvider.provideRouteStyle(flags, isSelected, isNightMode, routeStyle);

  // ......

That way you can implement a separate NavigationRouteViewStyleProvider style provider for the route line and change how traffic is displayed on routes. Other UI elements are implemented as usual with the AutomotiveNavigationStyleProvider delegate.

The NavigationStyleProvider styles are refreshed with every call to NavigationLayer.refreshStyle.

There's a detailed example of NavigationStyleProvider implementation in the demo app.


The navigation layer is responsible for displaying routes in Navigation.

Route display

The navigation layer can display routes on the map. Routes are rendered according to the following scenario:

  1. When you create NavigationLayer, the Navigation object is passed to it. The layer uses the object to listen to the navigation status and track route changes. For example, when routes are requested, navigation informs you that a route was requested using the NavigationListener.onRoutesRequested event handler, and the layer switches the camera to route overview mode.
  2. Navigation then informs you that routes have been built successfully, the NavigationListener.onRoutesBuilt method is called, and the layer displays routes on the map using the updated data.

That's how the navigation layer tracks route states in Navigation, displays them on the map, and changes them when needed.

Instant guidance

To skip the comparison of alternate routes in overview mode and start guidance along the first found route, start guidance straight after route request results are received in the NavigationListener.onRoutesBuilt event handler method.

When routes have been requested but guidance hasn't yet started, you may notice that UI routes "blink". Avoid that by hiding the navigation layer UI before starting guidance. Use the NavigationLayer.isVisible method or hide the route lines using style override through NavigationStyleProvider.


NavigationLayer.mode allows querying the mode the navigation layer is currently in:

Current route

NavigationLayer stores information about the currently selected route. By calling NavigationLayer.selectRoute, you can change the currently selected route in overview mode.

Here's an example of how to set the current route:

final class RouteViewListenerImpl implements RouteViewListener {

  final NavigationLayer _navigationLayer;

  const RouteViewListenerImpl(this._navigationLayer);

  void onRouteViewTap(RouteView routeView) {
    switch (_navigationLayer.routesSource) {
      case RoutesSource.Navigation:
        _navigationLayer.selectRoute(route: routeView);
      case RoutesSource.Guidance:

  void onRouteViewsChanged() {
    final route = _navigationLayer.routes.firstOrNull;
    if (_navigationLayer.selectedRoute() != null || route == null) {
    _navigationLayer.selectRoute(route: route);

final RouteViewListener listener = RouteViewListenerImpl(navigationLayer);

To track route states in the navigation layer, use the RouteViewListener interface.


The navigation layer doesn't contain the current route by default after routes are requested through Navigation. You have to set it manually, for example, using RouteViewListener.onRouteViewsChanged.

Route points

The navigation layer is responsible for displaying the from, to, and via points in guidance and overview modes.

To track point changes and taps, use the RequestPointListener interface.

User placemark

A user placemark is a model that displays the current user location and direction on the map. It consists of an OBJ file and PNG texture.


Balloons are UI elements with text on the map. There are different types of balloons:

  • Maneuver balloons show the next maneuver on the map in guidance mode.
  • Alternative balloons show route information in overview mode and compare the current and selected routes.

Use the BalloonViewListener interface to follow balloon events.


To manage the camera, use the Camera object by calling

To switch between camera modes, use the Camera.setCameraMode method. Supported modes:

  • Following: The user placemark tracked by the camera during guidance.
  • Overview: An overview of requested routes.
  • Free: The default mode.

By default, Camera has full control over the map and automatically changes the camera status. When using special camera modes, you may want to restrict camera permissions.

With the Camera and NavigationLayer methods, you can change the following camera parameters:

  • Automatic zoom-in.
  • Automatic turn.
  • Automatic switch between camera modes.
  • Zoom-in correction parameter in guidance mode.
  • 2D mode on/off.

If you create a complex interface over the map, UI elements may cover some map areas. You can prevent that by configuring the visible area parameters.

Supported settings for the visible map area:

Road event layer

Road events are information about traffic situations. They include accidents, restrictions, road work, and speed cameras. You can find a complete list of available road events in the RoadEventsEventTag enum.

The road event layer can display road events along the route as icons.


To customize how road events are displayed, use the RoadEventsLayerStyleProvider interface.

You can use a ready-made RoadEventsLayerStyleProvider implementation that provides road event icon styles and resources in the signature style of API Maps. To learn how to enable the dependency, follow the link.
