
This feature is available in the Full MapKit SDK version


struct MMKSearchSnippet : OptionSet, @unchecked Sendable

Requested snippets bitmask.

Snippets are additional pieces of information (possibly from different services) which are not directly stored in object metadata but may be requested separately based on client needs.

Different snippets are applicable to different objects: some of the snippets can be provided only for toponyms, some for businesses and some for all object types.


Enum cases

static var photosMMKSearchSnippet { get }
Related photos snippet (can be requested for a business or toponym)

static var panoramasMMKSearchSnippet { get }
Nearest panoramas to this point

Enum cases


static var photos: MMKSearchSnippet { get }

Related photos snippet (can be requested for a business or toponym). See MMKSearchBusinessPhotoObjectMetadata.


static var panoramas: MMKSearchSnippet { get }

Nearest panoramas to this point. See MMKSearchPanoramasObjectMetadata.