

This feature is available in the Full MapKit SDK version

class MMKRoadEventsLayerRoadEventStylingProperties : NSObject

Interface that has subset of fields of RoadEvent necessary for providing style.


Instance methods

func hasSignificanceGreaterOrEqual(with significance: MMKRoadEventSignificance) -> Bool
Road events with a high significance can be visible on overview zooms, while events with low significance usually visible on detailed zooms only


var tags: [NSNumber] { get }
Set of road event tags

var isInFuture: Bool { get }
Whether road event will become active in the future

var isOnRoute: Bool { get }
Road event placed on a route

var isSelected: Bool { get }
Road event was selected by RoadEventsLayer

var isUserEvent: Bool { get }
Currently logged in user is either an author of this road event or has commented it

var isValid: Bool { get }
Tells if this object is valid or no

Instance methods


func hasSignificanceGreaterOrEqual(with significance: MMKRoadEventSignificance) -> Bool

Road events with a high significance can be visible on overview zooms, while events with low significance usually visible on detailed zooms only. Significance of a road event can depend on a road category this event is snapped to, number of comments of this event and other factors. Two road events with same significance but different tag sets can be visible on different zoom ranges.



var tags: [NSNumber] { get }

Set of road event tags.


var isInFuture: Bool { get }

Whether road event will become active in the future. See RoadEvent for details.


var isOnRoute: Bool { get }

Road event placed on a route. See RoadEventsLayer.setRoadEventsOnRoute.


var isSelected: Bool { get }

Road event was selected by RoadEventsLayer.selectRoadEvent.


var isUserEvent: Bool { get }

Currently logged in user is either an author of this road event or has commented it.


var isValid: Bool { get }

Tells if this object is valid or no. Any method called on an invalid object will throw an exception. The object becomes invalid only on UI thread, and only when its implementation depends on objects already destroyed by now. Please refer to general docs about the interface for details on its invalidation.