

This feature is available in the Full MapKit SDK version

class MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlert : NSObject

TransportThreadAlert are important annotations for mass transit ride sections of routes.


Class methods

 init(text: String,
    closed: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertClosed?,
 closedUntil: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertClosedUntil?,
  lastTrip: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertLastTrip?)


var text: String { get }
Standard alert text

var closed: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertClosed? { get }
The value is set if the thread is not operational on that day

var closedUntil: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertClosedUntil? { get }
The value is set if the thread is not operational until the specified time

var lastTrip: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertLastTrip? { get }
The value is set if this trip is the last trip for the thread

Class methods


 init(text: String,
    closed: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertClosed?,
 closedUntil: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertClosedUntil?,
  lastTrip: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertLastTrip?)



var text: String { get }

Standard alert text. Simple clients could use this text to get a pre-formatted message. If the client is unable to recognize the known structured alert, it should use the text field instead.


var closed: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertClosed? { get }

The value is set if the thread is not operational on that day. Only one of the values close, closedUntil and lastTrip is set for an alert.

Optional field, can be nil.


var closedUntil: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertClosedUntil? { get }

The value is set if the thread is not operational until the specified time. Only one of the values close, closedUntil and lastTrip is set for an alert.

Optional field, can be nil.


var lastTrip: MMKMasstransitTransportThreadAlertLastTrip? { get }

The value is set if this trip is the last trip for the thread. Only one of the values close, closedUntil and lastTrip is set for an alert.

Optional field, can be nil.