MapKit Mobile SDK


protocol MMKMapObjectDragListener : NSObjectProtocol

This listener is notified when a map object is being dragged. Note that the map object's "draggable" property needs to be set to True in order to activate dragging. A long tap on a map object activates dragging mode.


Instance methods

func onMapObjectDragStart(with mapObject: MMKMapObject)
Raised when dragging mode is active for the given map object

func onMapObjectDrag(with mapObject: MMKMapObject, point: MMKPoint)
Raised when the user is moving a finger and the map object follows it

func onMapObjectDragEnd(with mapObject: MMKMapObject)
Raised when the user released the tap

Instance methods


func onMapObjectDragStart(with mapObject: MMKMapObject)

Raised when dragging mode is active for the given map object.


func onMapObjectDrag(with mapObject: MMKMapObject, point: MMKPoint)

Raised when the user is moving a finger and the map object follows it.


func onMapObjectDragEnd(with mapObject: MMKMapObject)

Raised when the user released the tap.