MapKit Mobile SDK


class MMKMapKit : NSObject


MapKit holds listener/delegate objects by weak references.

Provides access to all services in the SDK.

Initialize the MapKit factory before using this class.

You need to have strong references to them somewhere in the client code.


Instance methods

func setUserIdWithId(_ id: String)
Sets the user id

func setLocationManagerWith( locationManager: MMKLocationManager_)
Sets single global location manager that is used by every module in MapKit by default

func resetLocationManagerToDefault()
Resets the global location manager to a default one, that is a location manager that is created by MMKMapKit::createLocationManager call

func onStart()
Notifies MapKit when the application resumes the foreground state

func onStop()
Notifies MapKit when the application pauses and goes to the background

func createLocationManager() -> MMKLocationManager
Creates a manager that allows to listen for device location updates

func createLocationSimulator(withGeometry geometry: MMKPolyline) -> MMKLocationSimulator
Creates a suspended LocationSimulator object with the given geometry

func createLocationSimulator() -> MMKLocationSimulator
Creates a suspended LocationSimulator object

func createDummyLocationManager() -> MMKDummyLocationManager
Creates a manager that functions as a location proxy

func createTrafficLayer(with mapWindow: MMKMapWindow) -> MMKTrafficLayer
Creates the traffic layer

func createRoadEventsManager() -> MMKRoadEventsManager
Creates a manager that allows to interact with road events

func createRouteRoadEventsLayer(with mapWindow: MMKMapWindow,
                                 styleProvider: MMKRoadEventsLayerStyleProvider) -> MMKRoadEventsLayer
Creates the road events layer that will draw road events on the route

func createUserLocationLayer(with mapWindow: MMKMapWindow) -> MMKUserLocationLayer
Create layer with the user location icon


var storageManagerMMKStorageManager { get }
Returns a manager that handles disk size and IO errors

var version: String { get }
Returns the version of the MapKit bundle

var isValid: Bool { get }
Tells if this object is valid or no

Instance methods


func setUserIdWithId(_ id: String)

Sets the user id. Don't use this method directly. Use MapKitFactory.setUserId instead



User id is your own identifier for all mapkit requests


func setLocationManagerWith( locationManager: MMKLocationManager_)

Sets single global location manager that is used by every module in MapKit by default. The provided location manager must have async implementation in it. Any location manager created by MapKit has async implementation. To provide your own source of location please use MMKDummyLocationManager. Application can change location manager at any moment, all MapKit modules will start receiving new location immediately.


func resetLocationManagerToDefault()

Resets the global location manager to a default one, that is a location manager that is created by MMKMapKit::createLocationManager call.


func onStart()

Notifies MapKit when the application resumes the foreground state.


func onStop()

Notifies MapKit when the application pauses and goes to the background.


func createLocationManager() -> MMKLocationManager

Creates a manager that allows to listen for device location updates.


func createLocationSimulator(withGeometry geometry: MMKPolyline) -> MMKLocationSimulator

Creates a suspended LocationSimulator object with the given geometry.


func createLocationSimulator() -> MMKLocationSimulator

Creates a suspended LocationSimulator object. Geometry must be set manually.


func createDummyLocationManager() -> MMKDummyLocationManager

Creates a manager that functions as a location proxy.


func createTrafficLayer(with mapWindow: MMKMapWindow) -> MMKTrafficLayer

Creates the traffic layer.


func createRoadEventsManager() -> MMKRoadEventsManager

Creates a manager that allows to interact with road events.


func createRouteRoadEventsLayer(with mapWindow: MMKMapWindow,
                                 styleProvider: MMKRoadEventsLayerStyleProvider) -> MMKRoadEventsLayer

Creates the road events layer that will draw road events on the route.

The class maintains a strong reference to the object in the 'styleProvider' parameter until it (the class) is invalidated.



Map window to attach road events layer


Provides icons and styles for road events depending on their properties


func createUserLocationLayer(with mapWindow: MMKMapWindow) -> MMKUserLocationLayer

Create layer with the user location icon.



var storageManager: MMKStorageManager { get }

Returns a manager that handles disk size and IO errors.


var version: String { get }

Returns the version of the MapKit bundle.


var isValid: Bool { get }

Tells if this object is valid or no. Any method called on an invalid object will throw an exception. The object becomes invalid only on UI thread, and only when its implementation depends on objects already destroyed by now. Please refer to general docs about the interface for details on its invalidation.