
@interface MMKClusterizedPlacemarkCollection : MMKBaseMapObjectCollection

A collection that displays large groups of placemarks efficiently. Placemarks that are too close to each other with current zoom are rendered as a single cluster. Placemarks and clusters are not shown until clusterPlacemarks method is called explicitly.


Instance methods

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)addPlacemark;
Creates a new empty placemark and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)addPlacemarkWithPlacemarkCreatedCallback:
    (nonnull MMKPlacemarkCreatedCallback)placemarkCreatedCallback;

Creates a new empty placemark and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)addEmptyPlacemarkWithPoint:
    (nonnull MMKPoint *)point;

Creates a new empty placemark and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull NSArray<MMKPlacemarkMapObject *> *)addEmptyPlacemarksWithPoints:
    (nonnull NSArray<MMKPoint *> *)points;

Creates new empty placemarks and adds them to the current collection

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)addPlacemarkWithPoint:
    (nonnull MMKPoint *)point;

Creates a new placemark with the default icon and style, and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
                    image:(nonnull UIImage *)image;

Creates a new placemark with the default style and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
                    image:(nonnull UIImage *)image
                    style:(nonnull MMKIconStyle *)style;

Creates a new placemark and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
                     view:(nonnull MRTViewProvider *)view;

Creates a new view placemark with default style and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
                     view:(nonnull MRTViewProvider *)view
                    style:(nonnull MMKIconStyle *)style;

Creates a new view placemark and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
            animatedImage:(nonnull id<MRTAnimatedImageProvider>)animatedImage
                    style:(nonnull MMKIconStyle *)style;

Creates a new placemark with animated icon and adds it to the current collection

- (nonnull NSArray<MMKPlacemarkMapObject *> *)
    addPlacemarksWithPoints:(nonnull NSArray<MMKPoint *> *)points
                      image:(nonnull UIImage *)image
                      style:(nonnull MMKIconStyle *)style;

Creates new placemarks and adds them to the current collection

- (void)clusterPlacemarksWithClusterRadius:(double)clusterRadius

Updates clustered representations of placemark groups

Instance methods


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)addPlacemark;

Creates a new empty placemark and adds it to the current collection.


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)addPlacemarkWithPlacemarkCreatedCallback:
    (nonnull MMKPlacemarkCreatedCallback)placemarkCreatedCallback;

Creates a new empty placemark and adds it to the current collection. Callback can be used to setup placemark style and position Callback will be called before MapObjectCollectionListener#onMapObjectAdded


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)addEmptyPlacemarkWithPoint:
    (nonnull MMKPoint *)point;

Creates a new empty placemark and adds it to the current collection. Hint: to add a large amount of empty placemarks use addEmptyPlacemarks method.


Use addPlacemark() + setGeometry(point)


- (nonnull NSArray<MMKPlacemarkMapObject *> *)addEmptyPlacemarksWithPoints:
    (nonnull NSArray<MMKPoint *> *)points;

Creates new empty placemarks and adds them to the current collection.

Relevant for Android: this method provides better performance for adding a large number of empty placemarks than multiple calls of addEmptyPlacemark.


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)addPlacemarkWithPoint:
    (nonnull MMKPoint *)point;

Creates a new placemark with the default icon and style, and adds it to the current collection.


Use addPlacemark() + setGeometry(point) + setIcon(your_own_blue_dot_icon). Default icon (also known as blue dot) is no longer provided.


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
                    image:(nonnull UIImage *)image;

Creates a new placemark with the default style and adds it to the current collection.


Use addPlacemark() + setGeometry(point) + setIcon(image)


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
                    image:(nonnull UIImage *)image
                    style:(nonnull MMKIconStyle *)style;

Creates a new placemark and adds it to the current collection. Hint: to add a large amount of placemarks use addPlacemarks method.


Use addPlacemark() + setGeometry(point) + setIcon(image, style)


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
                     view:(nonnull MRTViewProvider *)view;

Creates a new view placemark with default style and adds it to the current collection.


Use addPlacemark() + setGeometry(point) + setView(view)


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
                     view:(nonnull MRTViewProvider *)view
                    style:(nonnull MMKIconStyle *)style;

Creates a new view placemark and adds it to the current collection.


Use addPlacemark() + setGeometry(point) + setView(view, style)


- (nonnull MMKPlacemarkMapObject *)
    addPlacemarkWithPoint:(nonnull MMKPoint *)point
            animatedImage:(nonnull id<MRTAnimatedImageProvider>)animatedImage
                    style:(nonnull MMKIconStyle *)style;

Creates a new placemark with animated icon and adds it to the current collection.


Use addPlacemark() + setGeometry(point) + useAnimation() + setIcon(animatedImage, style)


- (nonnull NSArray<MMKPlacemarkMapObject *> *)
    addPlacemarksWithPoints:(nonnull NSArray<MMKPoint *> *)points
                      image:(nonnull UIImage *)image
                      style:(nonnull MMKIconStyle *)style;

Creates new placemarks and adds them to the current collection. Relevant for Android: this method provides better performance for adding a large number of placemarks than multiple calls of addPlacemark.


- (void)clusterPlacemarksWithClusterRadius:(double)clusterRadius

Updates clustered representations of placemark groups. This method must be called explicitly to render placemarks and clusters when collection is created and update them after collection change.



Minimal distance in units between objects that remain separate. The size of the unit is equal to the size of a pixel when the camera position's tilt is equal to 0 and the scale factor is equal to 1.


Minimal zoom level that displays clusters. All placemarks will be rendered separately at more detailed zoom levels. The value will be clipped between 0 and 19 (most detailed zoom).