

This feature is available in the Full MapKit SDK version

@protocol MMKAssetsProvider <NSObject>

Interface for providing images, image sizes and icon styles to the search layer. Call with static_cast(PlacemarkIconType) in all methods.


Instance methods

- (nonnull UIImage *)imageWithSearchResult:
                         (nonnull MMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns an image for certain placemark type with given search result

This method will be called on a background thread

- (nonnull MMKSize *)sizeWithSearchResult:
                         (nonnull MMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns the size of the icon of certain placemark type with given search result

This method may be called on any thread

- (nonnull MMKIconStyle *)
    iconStyleWithSearchResult:(nonnull MMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns the icon style for certain placemark type with given search result

- (BOOL)canProvideLabelsWithSearchResult:
    (nonnull MMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult;

Returns true if provider is able to provide images for given search result and placemark types of LabelShortLeft, LabelShortRight, LabelDetailedLeft and LabelDetailedRight

Instance methods


- (nonnull UIImage *)imageWithSearchResult:
                         (nonnull MMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns an image for certain placemark type with given search result

This method will be called on a background thread.


- (nonnull MMKSize *)sizeWithSearchResult:
                         (nonnull MMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns the size of the icon of certain placemark type with given search result

This method may be called on any thread. Its implementation must be thread-safe.


- (nonnull MMKIconStyle *)
    iconStyleWithSearchResult:(nonnull MMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult

Returns the icon style for certain placemark type with given search result. If obtainAdIcons mode is enabled, IconStyle.anchor will be replaced for advertisement pins

This method may be called on any thread. Its implementation must be thread-safe.


- (BOOL)canProvideLabelsWithSearchResult:
    (nonnull MMKSearchResultItem *)searchResult;

Returns true if provider is able to provide images for given search result and placemark types of LabelShortLeft, LabelShortRight, LabelDetailedLeft and LabelDetailedRight. If false is returned then no label would be shown for this search result.

This method may be called on any thread. Its implementation must be thread-safe.