The MMapRuler
class displays a ruler on the map, allowing to measure the distance between points and the area of a described shape. The class only calculates the distance and displays a geodetic line between reference points. The display of markers and their texts is determined on the user side.
This class is a JS API module component that is not included in the core API, but can be utilized for specific tasks.
Modules are developed and maintained by the Mappable Maps JS API team. They constitute an integral part of the JS API, just like the core API.
When creating a ruler on the map, you need to specify an array of reference points (points
), a ruler type (type
), geometry parameters (geometry
), a preview point type (previewPoint
), and a callback function that creates new reference points (point
The current point state and functions (onDelete
, onDragMove
, and others) are passed from the callback function that must be called whenever any action is performed with the point. Points are updated when any of the following events occurs: changing, adding, or removing points, changing the ruler type, or toggling the "Available for editing" flag.
The ruler also provides a set of callbacks for common events you can subscribe to: onUpdate
to receive notifications each time the ruler is updated, onUpdateStart
to start editing the ruler, and onUpdateEnd
to indicate that editing is complete.
Ruler API
Parameter |
Description |
Ruler type. |
Line that measures the distance |
Polygon that measures the area. |
Ruler reference points. |
Flag that the ruler can be edited (the default value is |
Object with parameters for the element geometry on the map. |
Line and polygon styles. |
Name of the ruler data source (the default name is |
Base z index for the ruler's layer (the default value is |
Callback function when updating a ruler. Returns total measurement results (length of the entire ruler in meters or area of the entire ruler in square meters) and ruler points ( |
Callback function when starting a ruler update. For correct operation, you need to pass |
Callback function when the ruler update ends. For correct operation, you need to pass |
Preview point to be displayed when hovering over the ruler line. Versions have differences:
Callback that gets values at this point and returns the point. For additional information, see Point rendering. The returned value has the following differences:
Ruler layers
Ruler points and geometry are displayed on internal layers. This is necessary to correctly arrange points, geometries, and the blocking layer:
- Blocking layer: Added only if
iseditable = true
and the layerzIndex
is_props.zIndex + 0,1
. - Geometry layer: Displays the object geometry, the layer
is_props.zIndex + 0.1
. - Point layer: Displays points, the layer
is_props.zIndex + 0.2
Ruler layers have a zIndex
between _props.zIndex
and _props.zIndex + 1
and are a closed API.
Since markers are created on the user side, we pass the data source ID outwards so that markers are added to that particular layer.
Point rendering
Ruler points are visualized using the point
callback. The arguments are an object with parameters for visualization:
: Current point state.index
): Point index on the ruler (starting from 0).totalCount
): Total number of points on the ruler.coordinates
): Current point coordinates.measurements
): Measurement values at this point.editable
): Flag that the ruler can be edited.source
): ID of the data source the marker should be added to.
onDragMove(coordinates: LngLat)
: Callback called when the point is moved.onDragStart(coordinates: LngLat)
: Callback called when the point starts moving.onDragEnd(coordinates: LngLat)
: Callback called when the point stops moving.onDelete()
: Callback called if the point should be deleted.
Marker behavior is set up on the user side, so you should use a callback to send information about changes to the point.
depend on the ruler type:
- If the type is
- type:
- distance: Distance in meters between the starting point and the current position.
- segmentDistance: Distance in meters between the previous point and the current point.
- totalDistance: Total ruler length in meters.
- type:
- If the type is
- type:
- area: Picture area specified in square meters.
- type:
requires no special movement settings. Instead, you only need to provide an HTML element to be used as a preview filler.
Usage example
// Ruler point object
class RulerPoint extends mappable.MMapComplexEntity<RenderPointArgs> {
constructor(props: RenderPointArgs) {
const point = document.createElement('div');
// Customizing the point appearance
* abstract delete button that calls a callback for deletion
* so the ruler inside deletes this point
const deleteButton = document.createElement('button');
deleteButton.addEventListener('click', () => this._props.onDelete());
const {coordinates, editable, source} = this._props.state;
this._pointMarker = new MMapMarker(
coordinates, // current point coordinates
draggable: editable, // "draggable" only if the ruler can be edited
source, // ID of the data source that the marker should be added to
onDragMove: this._props.onDragPoint // callback when the point moves
point // html element point
protected _onUpdate(props: Partial<RenderPointArgs>): void {
// updating the point when its state changes
if (props.state !== undefined) {
const {coordinates, editable, source} = props.state;
this._pointMarker.update({coordinates, draggable: editable, source});
// abstract check that the point is at the end of the ruler
if (props.state.index === props.state.totalCount - 1) {
// ...
const previewPoint = document.createElement('div');
// ... setting up a preview point
const ruler = new MMapRuler({
type: 'ruler',
geometry: {lineStyle: FEATURE_LINE_STYLE, polygonStyle: FEATURE_POLYGON_STYLE},
point: (params: RenderPointArgs) => new RulerPoint(props)
const RulerPoint = ({state, onDragPoint, onDelete}: RenderPointArgs) => {
const onDragMove = React.useCallback((coordinates) => {
}, []);
const onDeletePoint = React.useCallback(() => {
}, []);
return (
<div className="point"></div>
const App = () => {
const [geometry] = React.useState({lineStyle: FEATURE_LINE_STYLE, polygonStyle: FEATURE_POLYGON_STYLE});
const onRender = React.useCallback(({state, onDelete, onDragPoint}: RenderPointArgs) => {
return <RulerPoint state={state} onDragPoint={onDragPoint} onDelete={onDelete} />;
}, []);
return (
previewPoint={<div className="preview-point"></div>}
const RulerPoint = Vue.defineComponent({
name: 'RulerPoint',
props: {
state: Object as TVue.PropType<RenderPointArgs['state']>,
onDragPoint: Function as TVue.PropType<RenderPointArgs['onDragPoint']>,
onDelete: Function as TVue.PropType<RenderPointArgs['onDelete']>
setup(props) {
const onDragMove = (coordinates) => {
const onDeletePoint = () => {
return {onDragMove, onDeletePoint};
template: `
<div class="point"></div>
setup() {
template: `
:geometry="{lineStyle: FEATURE_LINE_STYLE, polygonStyle: FEATURE_POLYGON_STYLE}"
<!-- Named slot for point render -->
<template #point="{state, onDragPoint, onDelete}">
:onDelete="onDelete" />
<!-- Named slot for preview point -->
<template #previewPoint>
<div class="preview-point"></div>
new MMapRuler(props
Constructor parameters
Parameter |
Type |
MMapRulerProps: [Omit](../../ref/modules/ruler/#omittype-keys)<\[MMapRulerCommonProps](#MMapRulerCommonProps-props), "point"> & {
point: (`params`: RenderPointArgs) => MMapEntity<RenderPointArgs>
Parameter |
Type |
): void
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
New |