Code examples - Markers
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map controls events heatmap integration layers lines markers polygons webgl
Objects on the map
- Add a marker with a custom icon to the map markers
- Adding a default popup on the map markers
- Bounds by rspn markers
- Changing the marker icon on mouse hover markers
- Create a default marker markers
- Create a draggable marker markers
- Create a marker clusterer markers controls layers
- Create a marker with a popup window markers
- Display a hint when hovering over map elements markers polygons lines
- Dynamic loading of balloon content markers
- Follow location markers lines
- Hitting a point in a circle markers polygons controls
- Live markers markers
- Stop propagation of events on current element markers
Map controls
Building routes
Search on the map
Advanced examples
- Building a route to interesting places near a specified point map lines markers controls
- Delivery cost calculator markers polygons lines
- Many points markers events layers
- Measurements by the ruler of the package with the default UI theme controls markers
- Measuring with a ruler using the ruler module controls markers