General information


All JS API components belong to the mappable namespace and are available only there.

Component names

The name of any JS API component meets two conditions:

  • It starts with the MMap prefix.
  • It is written in CamelCase.

Examples: MMap, MMapMarker, MMapListener.

Object hierarchy

Strict mode

In the JS API, you can enable strict mode to track bugs in your code. Use the global strictMode option:

mappable.strictMode = true;

In strict mode, the JS API validates the input data. For example, if you add an object that is not a descendant of MMapEntity to the map, the JS API will inform you of that. With strict mode off, the JS API will not perform such a check, and your code may not work properly.

More about strict mode.

Integration with React/Vue libraries

The API has no dependencies and does not require compilation or View engines (React or Vue).


For more information about integration, see Connecting the API.