Generate Matrix response format

The API response contains the ID of the long-running operation that was started to generate the matrix.

Response params

The ID of the long-running operation, which can be used to obtain the status of the operation via the Get Operation request.
Boolean value indicating the completion status of the long-running operation. In this case it will always equal to false.

Error messages

Code Description
400 One or more required parameters are missing in the request or the request body is not in valid format.
401 The request doesn't contain the apikey parameter or an invalid key was specified.
429 Too many requests.
500 or 504 System server error. Repeat the request later.

If an error occurs while processing a request, API returns a message with the error description in the errors field:

{"errors": ["Error with parameter \"origins\": Required"]}
{"errors": ["Key not found"]}
{"errors": ["Parameter 'apikey' is missing"]}